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There are countless situations where wall traditional wall coatings fail to deliver the combination of durability and waterproofing that a particular environment demands.  This eventually results in, at the very least, walls that are weakened or destroyed by water infiltration or rot.  Worse yet, this trapped moisture can result in mold issues that are typically very expensive to mediate.

THE PROJECT - Locker / Shower Room - Portland, ME


Spraying Flakes onto Concrete Block Shower Room Walls in Portland, ME


A low budget alternative was sought to create a shower room utilizing the existing walls of concrete block, plaster and drywall.


Walls: The walls were prepared by means of mechanical sanding.  They were then primed with epoxy primer, and a clear coat was rolled on, into which vinyl flakes were sprayed.  A final clear, ultraviolet and chemical resistant top coat was rolled on to seal the system. 


Floor: The floor was prepared by means of Shotblasting.  The clean concrete surface was primed with epoxy primer.  An epoxy cove was installed onto the wall and a double broadcast epoxy floor was applied utilizing decorative, multi-colored quartz aggregate. 


The resulting finishes created aesthetic and functional surfaces which are monilithic, waterproof and antimicrobial. 


Clear Ultraviolet and Chemical Resistant Epoxy Top Coat Applied
Epoxy Cove and Double Broadcast Epoxy Floor Installed in Shower Room

THE PROJECT - Refrigerated Keg Room at Brew Pub - Salem, MA



The room was framed, insulated and sheeted with moisture-resistant drywall. The walls were then prepared by means of mechanical sanding. They were then primed with epoxy primer, and a clear coat was rolled on, into which vinyl flakes were sprayed. A final clear, ultraviolet and chemical resistant top coat was rolled on to seal the system.


Create an economical wall system in a renovated Refrigeration Room.

Epoxy Primer and Clear Coat Applied to Refrigerated Keg Room Walls and Ceiling
Refrigeratated Keg Storage Room Framed and Sheeted with Moisture Resistant Dryway
Epoxy Flakes Sprayed into Clear Coat to Provide Decorative Appearance
Finished Epoxy Walls in Refrigerated Keg Room at Brew Pub in Salem, MA

THE PROJECT - Restroom - Vernon, CT


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Customer didn't want ceramic tile on restroom walls.

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Walls were prepared with cement board, primed with epoxy, coated with vinyl flakes and top coated with clear epoxy.

THE PROJECT - Rehabilitation Facility - Haverhill, MA


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The entire shower, walls and floor, were encapsulated with full flake epoxy coating. 

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Ceramic tile shower walls were leaking onto the floor below.

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